Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Week Eight

As I'm writing this I'm actually in my final week here at Loma Linda. Everything is still going good and I feel great with the exception of having to get up frequently in the middle of the night to pee. Since I'm up all night I'm tired during the day of course.

Jeanette drove down again Thursday night for a three day weekend she had already coordinated through her work. She just can't get enough of me!

It really has worked out better than we expected as far as the amount of times she has been able to visit me. As usual it's always hard when she has to leave. Not much longer and I'll be home for good.

Jeanette wanted to spend the day at a beach on the last weekend before I left. I didn't want to deal with all the crowds of people that are usually on the beaches here so I decided to check out the San Onofre Beach on Camp Pendelton near Oceanside, CA.

The beach is located on the Northwest side of the base and only active duty, reserves, or retired military and their families can access it. It also has an RV Park and camping area right on the beach. It was pretty nice and we were able to enjoy a day at the beach without the huge crowd.

After spending a good amount of the day at the beach we drove around Camp Pendelton then headed to Oceanside where we walked around the Harbor area and had dinner.

San Onofre Beach on Camp Pendelton

Some old Soviet tanks on the base

Ocenside Small Craft Harbor

Can you see the seal?

1 comment:

k7mto said...

Glad it's going well, Mike. We are all looking forward to your return to Phoenix.

Please let me know if you can/will make the Airpark Jeep Jam on Sat Oct 11th.


k7mto at yahoo dot com